Get Portfolio Valuation

USD valuation of your portfolio over time

Retrieve a history of the USD value of your account's portfolio at hourly or daily intervals

Retrieve Portfolio Valuation History


Query Parameters

    "data": [
            "timestamp": 1701475200000,
            "usd_value": 349515.64495392627
            "timestamp": 1701561600000,
            "usd_value": 349628.6458040236
            "timestamp": 1701648000000,
            "usd_value": 349653.452981625
            "timestamp": 1701734400000,
            "usd_value": 349301.02066800353
            "timestamp": 1701820800000,
            "usd_value": 350066.51819476683
            "timestamp": 1701907200000,
            "usd_value": 350761.96052562393

Response Body

Example Request

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'

Last updated